Facial yoga

Do you want a firm face, a sculpted oval, high and prominent cheekbones, fuller lips, lifted and relaxed eyes and a luminous complexion without injections or surgery?

Learn the exercises and self-massages to do at home to maintain or regain the beauty and natural radiance of your face. Treat yourself to a moment of pure relaxation with the Signature massage, which combines the techniques of Japanese kobido lifting massage with the properties of lithotherapy. Boost your skin’s radiance, lift your cheeks, smooth wrinkles on your forehead and neck and refine the angle of your jawline with facial maderotherapy.

Our services

Classes to learn how to correctly perform facial yoga exercises and self-massages. A 100% personalized beauty routine with targeted exercises and self-massages to do at home. Massages at the institute to relax the features, awaken the radiance of the complexion and regain a firm skin. A make-up routine to reveal your femininity in all circumstances.

Face yoga

A holistic practice for a healthy face.

Facial massage

A lifting massage, a real alternative to injections.

Beauty routine

A custom-made exercise and massage routine.

Makeup routine

A quick and easy makeup routine.

Find out about f'care...

Beauty tips

Wellness secrets

Holistic approach

Certified instructor

Radiating naturally

Because your face is unique and your needs vary whether you have Asian, black or western skin, whether you are young or entering menopause, facial yoga accompanies your body but also your mind to go through the ages in the best way possible by adopting a routine and gestures adapted to your desires and your needs of the moment.

+25 years old

Optimize your care with the right beauty gestures. Erase imperfections. Say goodbye to dark circles and visual fatigue. Gain confidence.

+35 years old

Erase signs of fatigue. Relieve muscle tension in the face, shoulders and neck. Prevent the appearance of wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyebrows. Maintain a healthy glow.

+45 years old

Keep your face firm and radiant. Smooth out frown lines. Reduce the nasolabial fold. Awaken the eyes.

+55 years old

Restore volume to the face and radiance to the complexion. Redraw the oval of the face. Reduce wrinkles on the neck and décolleté. Empty the pockets and drive out the swellings.

Rayonner naturellement

Parce que votre visage est unique et que vos besoins varient que vous ayez une peau asiatique, noire ou occidentale, que vous soyez jeune ou que vous entrez dans la ménopause, le yoga facial accompagne votre corps mais aussi votre esprit à traverser les âges le mieux possible en adoptant la routine et une gestuelle adaptées à vos envies et à vos besoins d’un moment.

+ 25 ans

Optimisez vos soins avec les bons gestes de beauté. Gommez les imperfections. Bye bye les cernes et la fatigue visuelle. Gagnez en confiance.

+35 ans

Gommer les marques de fatigue. Soulagez les tensions musculaires au niveau du visage, des épaules et du cou. Prévenez l’apparition des rides sur le front et entre les sourcils. Conservez une bonne mine.

+45 ans

Conservez un visage ferme et éclatant. Défroissez la ride du lion. Atténuez le sillon nasogénien. Réveillez le regard.

+55 ans

Redonnez du volume au visage et de l’éclat au teint. Redessinez l’ovale du visage. Atténuez les rides du cou et du décolleté. Videz les poches et chassez les gonflements.

La beauté du visage au bout des doigts.

Facial beauty at your fingertips.

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